Scottish Agricultural Students Application

    Applicant Details

    Has the applicant always lived in Scotland?

    Travel Details

    Has an application been made to this Trust before? (one application only per person)

    Reference Details

    Please provide details of two independent referees who can be contacted by Trustees in the event that your application is shortlisted.

    Referee 1

    Referee 2

    The Application

    With regard to your trip please state how long you will be engaged in the main purpose of your trip compared to the number of days sightseeing, etc?

    It is a condition of being awarded a grant that the student provides a written report to the Trustees on their experiences within two months of returning to the U.K.

    Financial Information


    I confirm and acknowledge:-

    • The information provided in this application is correct and accurate. If the Cameron Travel Scholarship Trust agrees to make a grant to me this will be used exclusively for the purposes described in this application.

    • If for any reason I am unable to undertake the travel for which a grant has been made I will be liable to reimburse the Trustees part or all of any grant paid, at their request.

    • If I undertake the travel detailed in the application, I do so at my own risk and I am responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, orders and requirements of other countries as well as for obtaining all entry and exit visas, health and other documents required by law or custom in the countries I am proposing to visit.

    • I will obtain from a reputable insurer, travel insurance cover of a type suitable for the proposed excursion to cover all the usual contingencies including medical and travel expenses and that the responsibility for ensuring that such cover exists and is adequate is solely mine.

    • I accept, in the event of any grant being paid by the Trustees to support my proposed travel abroad, that the Trustees are not in any way responsible to me or any third party for any adverse consequences arising directly or indirectly as a result of my travelling or being abroad whether foreseeable or not.

    • I agree that as a condition of being awarded a grant, I will provide the Trustees with a written report of my experiences within 2 months of completion and if requested to do so by the Trust, also agree to make a verbal presentation.

    • I agree that the Trustees can retain ownership of my report, together with any associated photographs, and publish all or part of it or use it for promotional purposes to publicise the Trust.