Enabling young people to travel, learn and help in



Zimbabwe Trip

Inovative Learning Experiences in Global Agriculture

We deeply value global farming communities. Under the guidance of our Trustees, we’re dedicated to advancing Scottish agriculture through international insights. Our students are encouraged to immerse themselves in farming practices from diverse landscapes around the world.

By harnessing these global methods, our scholars are equipped to adapt and innovate within Scotland. With their newfound knowledge and experience, our Trustees envision these students playing a pivotal role in ensuring that Scottish agriculture remains modern, effective, and competitive for years to come.



Shaping Sustainable Agricultural Futures

Our Trust’s vision extends beyond the immediacy of individual student journeys, reaching towards a more sustainable and prosperous future for all. The experiences our scholars garner from global agricultural practices are not just enriching on a personal level but also carry the potential to create ripple effects within our local farming communities.

We encourage our scholars to apply their newfound knowledge and ideas to their home communities, sparking a cycle of continuous improvement and innovation. By providing our students with the opportunity to learn and contribute internationally, we hope to equip them with the necessary tools to foster local agricultural advancement and sustainability. In this way, The Cameron Travel Scholarship Trust plays its part in seeding a brighter, more sustainable future for agriculture.

agriculture tractor


Right here, you’ll find tales from recent trips made by our scholars. They’ve traveled far, worked hard, and brought back a wealth of knowledge from global farming communities. Click through to read about their adventures and see what you could expect as part of our Trust. Happy reading!

Students Travelling

Linsey Campbell

West Ren YFC

Linsey, from West Ren YFC, explored Chile’s Montes Vineyard, known not just for its top-rated wines but also its commitment to sustainability.

Through biennial soil studies and state-of-the-art technology, the vineyard achieved significant water savings, equivalent to the annual consumption of 3,200 families.

Matthew Steel

Forfar YFC

Matthew journeyed north of Puerto Varas to discover one of the most impressive farms he’s ever witnessed, managed by Matias Vergara. This expansive 800ha farm boasted stunning yields, especially in potatoes, with impressive figures between 75 and 85t/ha.

Unlike many Chilean growers, Matias handles both packaging and marketing, ensuring top market prices. Intriguingly, the farm can grow potatoes annually with no PCN issues, potentially linked to their soil’s high organic matter.

Students Travelling
Students Travelling

Hamish Logan

East Lothian JAC

On reaching Santiago, Hamish and the group ascended Santa Lucia hill, capturing panoramic vistas of the city and the Andes. Their exploration was complemented by Lucas, their adept translator for the fortnight.

Beyond his recent agricultural education in Chile, Lucas’s impeccable English was a testament to his global travels as part of the Chilean Rugby 7s team.



Who can apply?

Anyone who is involved in farming in Scotland and is classed as a “young farmer” being under the age of 30 when the proposed trip is to commence AND is prepared to use the knowledge and experience gained on the trip to benefit farming in Scotland in the future.

Can I apply to the Trust more than once?

No. The Trust will only support one application per person

Can I travel on my own or do I need to be part of an organised group?

You can travel on your own but you will need to demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched what you plan to do and that you have a support network that you can call on if things go wrong while you are away.

Do I need to contribute to the trip or will the Trust pay for everything?

The Trustees will expect you to make a contribution, the amount of which will depend on your personal circumstances.

How much will the Trust pay?

That depends on how long you are going for and how much the trip is costing. Trustees are very supportive of longer trips.

What is the minimum amount of time that I need to go for?

The Trustees believe that the longer the trip, the more that you will benefit. This, however, does not rule out shorter trips if you can demonstrate that the trip will be a beneficial and rewarding experience.

What types of applications have been successful in the past?

Previous successful applications in the past have included – Group trips with the SAYFC to Argentina, California and Chile; trips to Europe with the Scottish College of Agriculture; individual trips to Agricultural conferences in USA and Australia ; work experience in Australia and New Zealand; study trip to Zimbabwe

Do I need to submit a report to Trustees when I return?

Yes. Part of your grant will depend upon Trustees receiving a written report on your experiences.

How do I submit my application?

Online through this website

What happens after I submit my application?

Your application will be reviewed and if it there is nothing in the application which disqualifies it, then you will be invited for an interview with Trustees. Thereafter you will be notified of the level of support granted. Payment of the grant will be in two parts. The first payment will be made when evidence is produced that the trip is going ahead – flight tickets/ confirmation of a place on the group trip/ accommodation booking etc. The balance payable when Trustees have received your written report.