My Month in Nepal by Rebecca Currie
I had the most amazing month away on my medical internship in Nepal with Projects Abroad where I had the opportunity to learn lots and received diverse hands on experiences. The healthcare challenges in Nepal are different from the UK, but the staff are truly...
My Year in Uganda
Myself and Brenda (P7 student) at St Mary’s Primary School, Kaihura.I spent 12 months in East Africa, Uganda, the ‘Pearl of Africa’. I am so pleased that I made the decision to go away with the charity Project Trust and have such a great opportunity to learn, enjoy...
SAYFC Agri & Rural Affairs 2022 Study Tour
Report from the SAYFC Agri & Rural Affairs Study Tour visiting Chile from 19th November - 4th December 2022Introduction One of the biggest challenges that is facing young people farming in Scotland, and indeed the Scottish farming industry as a whole, is how the...
Arkansas Study Tour 2023
ARKANSAS STUDY TOUR JULY 2023Karen Shepherd, Hazel Turner, Jennifer Mitchell, Jenny Leech, Myles Canning, Sophie Cameron, Pippa Shell, Holly Rodges, Sam Shearlaw,& Rhona Campbell-CrawfordINTRODUCTION A group of ten students and two lecturers have spent the month...
A Recent Trip to Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Trip Presentation for the John Cameron Travel Trust By Hunter Parsons, James Galloway and Lewis Turnbull Gwaai Tobacco farm Gwaai farm was established by Andrew Locks Grandfather in 1965, the farm is 900Ha, 400Ha is owned and the rest is rented. In...